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Battery Chargers for Diesel Generator, Fire Engine and AMF Panel

These are industrial grade battery chargers used to charge the batteries with latest CCCV (Constant Current Constant Voltage) topology. They are mostly used in DG panel / AMF panel, Fire Engine Panel etc.

1SSM12BIS05(BC)12VDC05A173 X 60 X 81Download PDF
2SSM12BIS10(BC)(S)12VDC10A160 X 82 X 108Download PDF
3SSM12BIS20(BC)(S)12VDC20A230 X 91 X 126.5Download PDF
4SSM24BIS06(BC)24VDC06A173 X 60 X 91Download PDF
5SSM24BIS10(BC)(S)24VDC10A230 X 91 X 126.5Download PDF
6SSM24BIS15(BC)(S)24VDC15A226 X 98 X 153.5Download PDF
7SSM24BIS20(BC)(S)24VDC20A226 X 96 X 151.5Download PDF
8SSM2430(BC)(S)24VDC30A291 X 121 X 182Download PDF
9SSM2440(BC)(S)24VDC40A350 X 121 X 188Download PDF

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